This commission oversees the religious formation of all parish members and seeks to offer interesting and instructive opportunities at all levels. Just because religious education or CCD is long behind you does not mean the need to continually grow in your understanding of the Catholic faith should have ended. For too long Confirmation was seen as a “graduation” of sorts, which meant no more formal classes. Or so we thought.

Consequently, for too many adult Catholics are left with a 4th grade understanding of morality, a 2 grade understanding of Eucharist, a 6th grade grasp of the Bible, etc., etc. Is it any wonder that for some Catholics their faith is no longer relevant to their daily lives and has little impact on defining who they are? In other cases, some people are very devoted in their faith but lack a mature understanding to help them gasp it fully.

The Church, in her wisdom, states that Adult Faith Formation should be central in parishes! Various opportunities to grow in faith and understanding at the various stages of life need to be offered and encouraged. Here at St. Owen we aim to do just that.

From preparations sessions for parents who have children receiving sacraments, marriage prep, workshops, formation sessions at various parish meetings, bible studies, guest speakers, parish missions, available library and resource materials and the like, adults have the opportunity to make their faith alive and relevant to their lives. Watch the parish bulletin, announcements and website for the next offered faith formation.

Consider becoming part of the Adult Formation Committee. The committee assesses the formational needs of the parish community, engages in long range planning and evaluation of formational opportunities held a the parish.

Adult Formation Committee Mission Statement:
All Catholics have a right and obligation to ongoing faith formation. As the Adult Faith Formation Committee it is our responsibility to see that all adults should be provided opportunities for formation that will serve them in every stage of life.

Job Description:
Under the direction of staff members, oversee, plan and guide varied educational opportunities for both adults and children.

Gifts that are Needed and Developed for this Ministry:
An understanding of the importance of good formation at all ages is important. It is helpful to understand the Church documents on education.

Time Frame:
Members meet once a month.

Benefits for the Volunteer:
Volunteers develop a deep satisfaction in knowing that the results of their ministry contribute toward a people who can better know, understand and appreciate their faith.

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