Dear friend in Christ,
Welcome to the community of St. Owen. You are very important to us as we strive to build the Kingdom of God on earth. As your pastor, I hopefully, am modeling the Good Shepherd but you are more than just “the flock.” You are collaborators in the ministry of Christ. Jesus said, “You are the light of the world, a city seated on a mountaintop.” Here, at St. Owen we are called, each in our own way, to be a prism of that light, the building blocks of that mountain city. The keystone is the Gospel. Below you will find our Vision Statement. Read it over carefully and prayerfully. If you embrace it, you will be joint adventurers in our pilgrim journey of faith and love.
We of St. Owen Parish strive to be an open, welcoming, and caring community of believers who are called to share, celebrate, renew, and grow in our faith, love of God, and one another. We embrace Jesus by living out his teachings, values, and example and put our faith into action through service, tithing, and outreach to those in need.
All of the Church’s actions are directed toward God’s glorification. Liturgy brings people together in a particular way to praise God and sanctify the people. The worship commission seeks to aid in providing the means and in encouraging active participation of the faithful in this work.
Vatican II calls for full participation in the liturgy. One of the roles proper to the community is that of lector (reader). The reader conveys the importance of the liturgy as the work of the people: priest, liturgical ministers, and assembly.
Ministers of the Eucharist undertake the office of giving the Body and Blood of the Lord to their brothers and sisters and so serve to build up the Church.
The liturgy is the work of all the people. Servers add a dimension to the liturgy that enhances it as they assist the celebrant with the celebration.
Ministers of Hospitality are servants of the worshiping community. More than doorkeepers, they are the “door” giving open access to the warmth of Christian fellowship. By their friendliness, warmth, and genuine concern, they invite and welcome all who gather into a common union.
The proper environment for beautiful liturgy doesn’t just happen. People who prepare the worship space provide the necessary elements for liturgy. A well-prepared environment enhances the liturgy and conveys the importance of our worship.
Sacristans quietly do the Lord’s work behind the scenes. Since they prepare for our liturgies ahead of time, everything is at hand for our Masses.
There are different opportunities for musical expression provided at St. Owen. These varied expressions support and assist the congregation in their worship. Furthermore, music sets the appropriate tone for a particular celebration, and is a unique medium to express joy and enthusiasm. Music opens one more avenue for the assembly’s participation.
Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is a process through which people are received into the Catholic faith, and for baptized Catholics, who have not received the Sacrament of Confirmation or First Eucharist. The entire family of faith participates in OCIA through their welcome and witness of faith. Leaders and sponsors on the OCIA teams provide support to those new in faith by sharing their faith, prayers, and experiences.
It is important that the Church provide a meaningful sacramental experience for parents who bring their children for baptism. Parents are provided with instruction on their responsibility in raising their children in the faith and the Church’s understanding of baptism.
Our children are the future Church. While parents are the primary catechists of their children, assisting in the formal faith formation of these children is essential. Therefore, the fundamental task of a catechist in our Faith Formation program is to commit to bring the message of Jesus and the Church to the children of our community.
The importance, time involved, and benefits are the same as for a catechist.
Faith Formation schedules a variety of seasonal events throughout the year that provide an opportunity for fun, faith, and fellowship in our parish community. This includes Sacrament Receptions, and activities such as a Halloween Party, and Easter Egg Hunt.
Our group was designed especially for Catholic Christian teens growing up in a complex world full of opportunities and adventure, as well as problems and dangers. We enjoy teen’s enthusiasm, energy, their searching and questioning – their fresh out-look on life, and their willingness to stand up for what they believe. We understand their desire to be respected, challenged and encouraged. We know they hate being bored, preached at, and talked down to. We hope you’ll give us a chance to help you on your journey of faith. We would like each teen in the parish to fill out one of our registration forms so that each teen will receive a monthly mailing of special activities. As always, WE LOOK FORWARD TO A GREAT YEAR AND WOULD LOVE YOU TO BE A PART OF IT!
Strives to serve the needs of our parish community through spiritual, social and corporal works.
Every church needs administrative direction to serve and manage its funds. This needs to be done in an organized professional manner, but also with the spirit of Christian discernment and wisdom is making decisions concerning parishioner’s monetary gifts. They also oversee the time and talent of parish volunteers.
The CSA drive assists the larger Church in vast outreach programs, as well as provide the opportunity for the parish to attain extra funds. Volunteers are needed to organize and promote the drive, as well as collect the funds. This drive occurs once a year, therefore, approximately three months are needed to complete it. Enthusiasm, organization and a belief in the importance of this drive are needed. Volunteers benefit in the satisfaction in the positive results of the drive, and the knowledge that the larger Church is greatly benefited by the efforts is gained.
This necessary but, otherwise, time-consuming job is done quickly and efficiently by this group. They present the finance commission with accurate figures for parish records. Money counters open envelopes, and count all money, tally amounts, fill out provided report, insuring that amounts checked correlate with amounts given. They meet every Monday morning to count and record the collection. Volunteers enjoy this time meeting with other parishioners while giving their time to the parish.
We are a community, not just a building in which people come once a week for individual worship. Belonging to a community of faith involves commitment of self. It means interaction and involvement. This committee seeks ways to encourage that involvement.