The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults

The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is a process by which people become members of the Catholic Church.

The process is concerned with the total formation of the person; doctrinal formation (understanding Catholic beliefs), practical formation (living the faith), liturgical formation (praying with the community), and apostolic formation (service with the community). This is a gradual development that culminates in the celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation, which include Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist, at the Easter Vigil. This faith journey is designed for those never before baptized, but also is adapted for those baptized in another Christian denomination and those baptized Catholic that have never received the Sacrament of Confirmation or First Eucharist.

How does it work?

The way of becoming a Catholic Christian follows a process of journeying through four periods of formation. These periods in the conversion process are linked by three liturgical rituals that are celebrated with the whole church. No one is ever pressured in any way to become Catholic and everyone is allowed to proceed at their own pace. The process is ongoing and anyone can enter at anytime. Sessions, held regularly, are informal, honest and open inquiry and dialogue is encouraged. If you are looking for a church affiliation, spiritual enrichment, an opportunity to grow in faith and prayerlife, we invite you to consider taking part in the OCIA. If you are a Catholic, and know someone who is seeking these things, tell them about the OCIA.

Read what others who have taken OCIA have to say:

During my faith journey I learned how to open my mind and heart to Jesus. Becoming a Catholic has changed my thinking and ways of dealing with life on a daily basis. It has made me feel stronger as a person and more at peace.


I was always pleasantly surprised to hear what was Church teaching.


All the messages of the Word of God, the Eucharist, and Catholic tradition come together with great insight into the meaning of “A Faith Journey.”


I have gotten so much out of my OCIA experience. It has brought me closer to God and has allowed me to belong to a wonderful community in St. Owen.


The OCIA session addressed all my concerns and misconceptions regarding Catholicism and made me really appreciate the Mass.


 How Do I Participate?

Contact Michelle Pittel, Adult Spirituality at or 248-626-0840.

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